Seven days Bund development fair has started.

Chamoli: The seven-day Bund Development, Industrial, Tourism, Farmers and Cultural Fair 2023 has inaugurated by chief guest Ramesh Gadia, Minister of State and special guest Deependra Kumar, Secretary Program Implementation Department on Wednesday.
Fair President Atul Shah, welcomed the guests by presenting them with batch ornaments and mementos. Addressing the program, Secretary Deependra Kumar thanked the fair committee and said that it is my good fortune that I got the opportunity to come to the fair as a special guest. Said that while local artists get a platform from these fairs, local producers and self-help groups get good income. He said that under the Government’s Janta Ke Dwar programme, officials visit villages and interact with the local people and solve their problems, which not only benefits the public but also helps the society move forward.
During this, the Secretary inspected the stalls in the fair and asked all the people to purchase the products prepared by self-help groups and local producers. Atul Shah hoisted the flag, after which for the first time, march pass was done by the soldiers and school children with the tunes of the army band. In the program, beautiful tableaux were brought out by the women marshals of the area. Enthralled the audience through cultural programs by school children and women.