Temple’s door of God Laatu brother of Nanda Devi, opened for six months.

Chamoli: The doors of God Latu temple, brother of Maa Nanda, located in Van village of block Dewal of district Chamoli has opened with rituals on Tuesday.
After the religious rituals organized in the temple since morning and at 2:10 pm, the priest of the temple, Khem Singh Bisht opened the doors of the temple for the devotees to visit. Now for the next six months, the devotees will be able to worship God Latu here.
On the occasion of opening of the doors of Latu temple in village Van, a religious rituals were organized. The villagers expressed happiness by performing Jhoda, Jhumela (local folk dance) along with jagars on the beats of dhol and damau. On the occasion of opening of the doors, the temple premises reverberated with the chants of Latu Devta.