An international conference will be organized at Govt P G College Gopeshwar in June.

Chamoli: Dr. Shiv Kumar Lal, Head of the Department of Economics, and conver of the confrence, giving the information, said that international conference will be organized on 8 & 9 June at P.G.College Gopeshwar.
The conference will be organized under the joint aegis of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Economic Council and Socio-Economic Development Study Council. The Economists from all over the country will gather in this international conference organized on the topic “From India to Developed: Opportunities and Challenges”.
And about 50 research papers also will be read in various sessions lasting for two days. The best research paper presented in the conference will be awarded appealed to experts of economic matters to participate in this conference Dr. Shiv Kumar said. Principal Prof. Kuldeep Negi said that all preparations have been done for the proposed conference.