Addiction of online gaming and trading, made minors thief, got arrested.

Chamoli: A matter of theft came into the light, in district Chamoli headquarter Gopeshwar, Champa Gairola resident Vivekanand Colony Talla Nagwad had gone to Dehradun to see her daughter, when she backed to her home Gopeshwar, she found broken lock of the door of the house.
The lock of the store locker in her mother-in-law’s room was broken and the jewellery was stolen and her own precious jewellery was also missing. Whose value is about 35-40 lakh rupees. The woman informed the police in this regard, according to the information.
On the basis of the complaint, the police registered a case against unknown. Superintendent of Police Chamoli Sarvesh Panwar gave necessary guidelines for immediate disclosure of the case and arrest of the accused involved in the theft.
Sanjay Garbyal, Deputy Superintendent of Police Chamoli, to disclose the Matter of theft, investigated the CCTV cameras. The help of the technical team was also involved. On the basis of CCTV footage and technical support, the police team caught two minors involved in the said theft incident.
During interrogation, the minors told that the minor son of the victim is the mastermind of the said incident, after which the police team took the minor son of the victim under protection from Dehradun and brought him to Chamoli district. He told that he has been fond of online gaming and trading and spending expensive money for a long time. For which he had borrowed money from many people.
He had also borrowed fifty thousand rupees from a minor involved in the said theft incident. Other people were also constantly pressuring him to return the money. To get rid of the debt, the minor planned to commit theft in his own house, in which he included his two minor friends by luring them that his mother and grandmother have jewelry worth lakhs at his house, which they can steal and sell at a high price and earn a lot of profit. When his mother went to Dehradun, he took advantage of the opportunity and called his friends to his house.