Child right and protection is our first priority- Dr. Khanna.

Chamoli: Uttarakhand Child Protection Commission organized, one-day awareness and sensitization workshop on child rights and safety on Monday at the district headquarters Gopeshwar. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Geeta Khanna, Chairperson of Uttarakhand Child Protection Commission.
She said that the family is the first school for a child. Children learn good and bad in the family at the early state of life. Only when we ourselves are aware, we can protect ourselves. The main objective of the workshop is that we can listen to the problems of children and discuss with the officials about their resolution, whatever problems and difficulties are there related to children, we can find out and solve them she said.
Recently, there was a talk about drug addiction, when it is prevalent in every house, then how can we keep children away from drug addiction. Communicate with the children and tell them about the ill effects of this.
She said that along with bookish education, tell your children about your culture, as an administrator, as a parent, as a teacher, we all should together ensure our role in the creation of this young India. She asked the education department to make complete arrangements for the education of disabled children and the medical department to make disability certificates. After this, the chairman inspected the Balmitra police station.
Uttarakhand Child Rights Commission member Vinod Kapravan said that the commission has an important contribution in the all-round development of children. From time to time, the commission organizes awareness workshops, during which he gave information about child helpline number 1098.
In the workshop, along with child labor, information was given about cyber crime toll free number 1930. It was told that if any cyber crime happens to you, then call 1930 immediately. Do not click on unwanted links. Do not share your ATM number, PIN OTP with anyone in any way.