A blast strike on the current system of society through a play.

Chamoli: A splendid play was staged at P.G. Collage Gopeshwar with joint aegis of English Council of Government Post Graduate College Gopeshwar and Azim Premji Foundation Gopeshwar,
Drama staged with the title *Samaj Mein Bitiya*,(daughter in the society) the artistes made a deep attack on the existing caste discrimination and girl child education in the society even at the present time. The artistes forced the audience to applaud with their powerful acting. Meenakshi, the director of the play, told that even today a large number of sexual crimes against girls are happening in the society.
At the end of the play, the principal of the college, Prof. Rachana Nautiyal said that social issues can be expressed in the best way through drama staging.
Program coordinator English Department in-charge DS Negi said that the personality of the students is developed by acting in theatre.