Couple injured due to roofs colepse

Haridwar: Monsoon is showering heavy like a disaster in Uttarakhand. Pictures of the devastation caused by the rains are coming out from different places. Heavy rains have created hue and cry in Haridwar as well. Waterlogging due to rain here has increased the miseries of the people. Due to rain in Jwalapur Kotwali area, the roof of a house collapsed on Saturday. A couple were sleeping inside, injured due to roof collapse. After the incident, there has been an atmosphere of chaos in the surrounding area.
Sikandar lives with his family in Mohalla Ghosian, Jwalapur and his house was built in ancient times. Due to the rains for the last several days, the roof of the house suddenly collapsed on Saturday morning, injuring Sikandar and his wife Bano, who were sleeping inside, while other members were sleeping in next room in the house, they also woken up by the falling debris of the roof with a loud noise. Neighbors also woke up on hearing the noise. Both were taken out from house and rushed to the hospital for treatment. At the same time, the roof of a house has also fallen in Kaithwada locality.