A seminar organised on the subject of ‘Youth and Literature’.

Chamoli: Under the joint auspices of English Council and Azim Premji Foundation, a seminar did organise at Government Post Graduate College on Tuesday, subject was ‘youth and literature.
Young people read good literature, connect with good writers and build a good world by learning various creative skills, addressing the seminar Minakshi said, keynote speaker of Azim Premji Foundation.
Program chairman in-charge Principal Dr. Manish Dangwal said that literature is the one which does good to the society. We all know that till the time the thoughts roaming inside us are not expressed in any form, we remain in tension and depression. If we express these depressions through various artistic mediums, then we become stress free.
Program Coordinator, Assistant Professor DS Negi, Department of English, said that before writing you must read and read as if you are reading for entertainment. Slowly when we start enjoying it, it will seem as if there is no entertainment cheaper than reading and there is no better pleasure than writing. He further said that make books and digital mediums friends, gurus and advisors.