Munsi Premchand, remembered on his 143rd birth anniversary.

Chamoli: Hindi literatures eminent legend Munshi Premchand’s 143rd birth anniversary did celebrate with great enthusiasm today on Monday at Government Post Graduate College, Gopeshwar. On his birth anniversary, a program organised under the joint auspices of Hindi Department, English Department and Azim Premji Sansthan. the participants threw light on various aspects of Premchand’s literature.
The participants threw light on various aspects of the literature of Premchand. Addressing the ceremony, Dr. Bhavna Mehra, in-charge of Hindi Department, said that Premchand, through his stories and poems, underlined the various evils of the society and also suggested ways to solve them psychologically.
Darshan Singh Negi, Assistant Professor, Department of English, said that Premchandra is an international storyteller and storyteller in today’s perspective because his works talk about the welfare of the entire human society beyond country, time and linguistic boundaries. That’s why his literature has been translated into more than twenty languages of the world.
Dr. Sandhya Gairola, Hindi Department said that Premchandra was a strong voice of the poor, farmers, downtrodden and downtrodden of the society. And he has drawn the picture of the society through his poetry, stories.