Wild Bear attacked upon a man, got injured.

Chamoli: After to having breakfast on Saturday morning, Ramesh Lal 30, resident of village Nijmula was going towards forest to graz his buffalo, a wild Bear was hided in the peddy field of village, and suddenly jumped on Ramesh Lal, a friend of Ramesh shouted and try to beat with sickle to Bear, on hearing the scream of them villagers also turned up there and Bear left the place for forest.
Ramesh Lal got injured with sharp nails of Bear and his left hand fractured, he was rushed to district hospital Gopeshwar for treatment. The doctor said that operation of his fractured hand will be on Monday. The villagers are afraid after this incident because the intery of such a dengerous wild animals in the village area might increase such incidents, the forest department should have cognized of this incident, and makes endeavour to check it’s terror for the future too.