Expedite in the works of water enrichment and conservation under SARA- DM

Chamoli: District Magistrate, Sandeep Tiwari, has reviewed the proposed works under SARA, he chaired a meeting of Spring and River Rejuvenation Authority (SRI) on Friday.
He gave instructions to expedite the works of water conservation and enrichment of sensitive water sources, rivers, tributary rivers and reservoirs. He said that by convergence with departmental schemes, proposals of schemes up to one crore should be made available to the committee constituted at the district level for approval. The proposals of schemes more than one crore should be sent to the state level committee.
The District Magistrate, Chamoli has directed the Irrigation, Drinking Water and Forest Department to map all the water sources identified for water enrichment works. The Forest Department should provide proposals soon for the enrichment of water sources located in the forest area and the Drinking Water Department should provide proposals soon for the enrichment of sources located in the revenue area, and the work should be started soon by demanding funds for the schemes whose proposals have been prepared. Water source and water conservation works should be implemented with the cooperation of departmental schemes and local people as per the requirements of the particular area. So that the natural water sources like streams, wells and rivers maintain a permanent flow.
Arvind Singh Negi, Executive Engineer of the Irrigation Department, said that under Springshed and River Rejuvenation Authority (SARA), an action plan is being prepared for the conservation and promotion of natural water sources at the district level. And 87 water sources have been identified in the district by Jal Sansthan and Jal Nigam, out of which 78 water sources are in forest area and proposals for 9 schemes have been prepared by the Forest Department. There have been 20 tributaries identified by the Irrigation and Minor Irrigation Department, out of which the estimates of 06 schemes have been prepared, and under the Catch the Rain program, a target has been set for construction of plantation, 1.43 lakh trench construction, 1351 Chaal-skins, 4752 check dams and 936 other water storage structures in the district.