The booklet “Jeevan Ki Pagdandiya” written by Roshni Pokhriyal was released in Gopeshwar.

Chamoli: The book launch ceremony of “Jeevan Ki Pagdandiya” written by writer Mrs. Roshni Pokhriyal was organize in the district headquarters Gopeshwar on Sunday.
Amarnath Agrawal, a famous writer of Uttar Pradesh, was present as the chief guest in the program and said that writing the books is a pleasant moment amidst the digital era and the decreasing number of readers, there have been famous writers like Sumitra Nandan Pant, Chandra Kunwar Bartwal from Uttarakhand, even today there are immense possibilities in the field of writing everywhere in Uttarakhand, and writers and female writers are still depicting those subjects with their pens on various aspects.
In the program, Roshni Pokhriyal, author of the book ‘Jeevan Ki Pagdandiyan’, said that she is fond of writing, as a housewife, writing may have been a challenge but I tried to write about the life of the mountains based on my experiences and tried to collect the lifestyle of the mountains through my pen.
Dr. Darshan Singh Negi, English lecturer of PG College Gopeshwar, has conducted this program, the program was organised by Kalam Kranti Sahitya Manch Chamoli, and many dignitaries of the city were present at the book launch ceremony.