The family members of martyrs honoured on the occasion of ‘Victory Day’ in the district headquarter.

Chamoli: Victory Day was observed with pomp in district Chamoli’s headquarter Gopeshwar on Monday. On the occasion of Victory Day, a program was organized by the Sainik Welfare Department in the District Panchayat Auditorium.
The program was inaugurated by Chief Guest Soviti Devi and Chief Development Officer Nandan Kumar by lighting the lamp. Earlier, at the venue, the chief guest along with the officers and employees garlanded the picture of the martyrs and paid tribute. Also, the NCC cadets saluted the martyrs by giving a guard of honor. On the occasion of Vijay Diwas, during the program organized in the District Panchayat Auditorium, the family members of the soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice for the country during the Indo-Pak war were honored.
Nandan Kumar, Chief Development Officer, said that India won the 13-day war between India and Pakistan in 1971. Many soldiers of India sacrificed their lives for this victory. Remembering those brave fighters, we are paying tribute to their sacrifice. He said that this moment is a matter of pride for us as well that we got the opportunity to honour the families of the immortal martyrs. Sainik Welfare Officer Kalam Singh has told that in this Indo-Pak war, 49 soldiers of district Chamoli sacrificed their lives and brought victory to the country. He said that for giving the highest contribution in the war, Anusuya Prasad has been awarded the Mahavir Chakra and Devendra Singh Kandhari and Makar Singh have been awarded the Veer Chakra.