For recruitment of women homeguard at 320 post, preparations fast

Chamoli: It has has to be the women homeguards recruitment at 320 posts, the women of district Chamoli seems great enthusiastic for this recruitment. Actually, during the parade of Home Guards Foundation Day 06-12-2022, on the important historical initiative of Commandant General Home Guards, Kewal Khurana, the creation of 320 posts of women Home Guards in ten districts was announced by Chief Minister of Uttarakhand.
In this sequence, a platoon of women home guards has been created in Chamoli district. District Commandant Chamoli, SK Sahu informed that a total of 37,422 applications have been received in the state. Total 2740 women applicant have applied from the remote areas of the district, whose physical fitness test race, cricket ball throw, long jump will be held at Sports Stadium Gopeshwar-Chamoli from 01 to 09 September 2023.
Physical efficiency test of female candidates from 1-09-2023 on the basis of the roll number given to the candidates, 300 candidates have been called roll number wise as follows from 8:00 am every day. It is mandatory for the candidate to bring all his original certificates along with the roll number provided by the office. Such candidates whose applications have been received by post and the list of canceled forms including names have been uploaded on District Commandant Chamoli’s Facebook page ID and Instagram and pasted on office information.
The department will not be responsible for any physical accident, theft and any other incident during recruitment with the candidate. No candidate will bring bags, mobile, and any eatables inside the recruitment ground.
If continuous rains interrupt the above dates, then another date will be fixed.
Apart from the candidate and the personnel nominated in the recruitment, no other person will enter inside the ground at the recruitment site.